Thursday, October 25, 2007

Female Nazarene Elder Works to Reestablish Religious Order

Los Angeles (HH) Sister Mary Merry who isn't married, is working vigorously to reestablish the historic order of Nazarene Nuns, known as Company Evangeline, also known simply as Co. E.

Holy Hijinx caught up with Sister Mary Merry to discuss her new venture:

HH: Sister Mary Merry, what is Co. E.?

MM: In the early days of the Church of the Nazarene, Co. E. was a ministry and fellowship organization made up of single women who served the Lord by serving the poor. It began here in Los Angeles, and expanded throughout North America. It was a very vibrant ministry in its heyday, but as the church grew Co. E. was integrated into other ministry organizations.

HH: Why are you trying to reestablish Co. E. if its functions were integrated into other ministries of the denomination?

MM: It is true that much of the ministries of Co. E. are still functioning within the denomination, but as it was absorbed into these ministries other aspects were lost.

HH: In your view what was lost?

MM: What was lost was a community of devout single women, who are committed to working together in service and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

HH: How did you come to sense that God was calling you to start this ministry.

MM: Well, it really started when I was in college at North American Nazarene Bible University and Seminary. Many of the young women in the dorm testified to being called to serve as Nazarene Nuns, the only problem was that the Church did not have a means for women to pursue that calling.

HH: So that's when you decided to reestablish Co. E.?

MM: No not really, I was busy with my studies, undergraduate, then seminary. I was also working as an intern in a local church, so I really didn't have time to think about it. But when I graduated and began applying for pastoral positions, I began running into roadblocks.

HH: What were those roadblocks?

MM: The first roadblock was that I am a woman. What I hadn't realized is that there are very few opportunities for women to serve as pastors in the denomination. It seems that most church boards, and congregations prefer to call men as pastors. The second roadblock is that I am single. Not only do churches prefer men to be pastors, but they prefer their pastors to be married. So after a time of searching for a place to serve to no avail, I began praying that God would give me a vision, not just for me, but for other women facing the same challenges to ministry that I was, that's when I remembered the dorm conversations of all those young women feeling called to become Nazarene Nuns.

HH: With all the empty pulpits in the denomination, is it really that difficult for women to find a pastorate?

MM: Oh yes, which is where Co. E. comes in. It gives us a place to live in community, with others who desire to serve, and provides a creative outlet for us to fulfill our calling.

HH: What forms of ministry will Co. E. provide?

MM: We are still in the development stages and are still in search of a building that can serve as a home and ministry center. Our initial ministry service will address the needs of the community where we will be located, so we are still seeking God's guidance in this area.

HH: Who may join your order?

MM: Any single women who feels called to full time ministry may apply to join the order.

HH: Mary Merry, congratulations on finding a place of ministry in our church, thanks for your time and may God bless you in your endeavor.

MM: I'm glad to have had the opportunity to share, thank you.